Friday, June 24, 2011

Some SEO Tips for Newbie Bloggers

Search engine optimization is very necessary now a days to build visibility in search engine pages. The Competition between sites is increasing day by day at a very tremendous speed. If you’re going for Huge Traffic Generation it’s necessary that you understand that search engine visitors are more converting and make good money for you and are good for your site’s rank.Every day, millions of people turn to the search engines to fill a need like information, humor, entertainment, and some services. Putting your blog in their path with quality SEO Tricks will assist in your user base easily and in accomplishing your blogging goals easily.

Usage of Long Tail Keywords

iphone search results Some SEO Tips for Newbie Bloggers

Image Credit:- Link

Long tail traffic makes up 75% of all traffic to your blog. Mastering long tail keywords is the best way to build your blogs readership as the keywords are according to the niche and interest of the people. There are three basic types of keywords:

  1. Head Keywords: “Iphone”
  2. Mid-range Keywords: “Iphone Apps”
  3. Long Tail: “Best Iphone Gaming Apps”

You can see that that long tail keywords are covering 75% of the blog traffic so you should learn long tail keywords so that your blog ranks high in the SERP’s.

Use your keywords in the anchor text of links

Use your primary and secondary keywords in the anchor text area of links when linking to other blog posts or to other pages of your blog. Keyword in links have more importance than simple text written somewhere else.

I use the SEO smart Links Plugin to AUTO Interlink my blog posts and to flow pagerank.

Make sure search engines can spider your blog easily

Make sure your navigation bar is present on all the pages of your blog. Your previous posts or atleast the popular posts should be linked to all pages so that they get Crawled easily.

Your Meta Description

Another very important and necessary part of your blog is that you should optimize your site when you’re trying to rank for a particular keyword is your meta description. The reason for this is that your meta keyword has two major advantages, first, if it includes your keyword it can increase the chances of you ranking higher and, second, if properly written it will have a huge impact on your click through rate of the visitors from the search engines.

Use Small Permalinks

Google ranks pages, not websites. However, the authority of the domain directly impacts on all page rankings. Typically, the most Highly Ranked page on the website is the home page. It is where most of the external and internal links point at and Google gives it preference over all other pages.

  1. Most authority:
  2. Some authority:
  3. Minimal authority:
  4. No authority:

WordPress allows users to set their URL structure. I generally use the %postname% format:

wp perma link settings Some SEO Tips for Newbie Bloggers

Build Quality Links to Your Blog or Website

It doesn’t matter how GR8 and relevant your content is you always need to build quality backlinks to get qualitative results. Instead of focusing on writing content Try to build quality links to your blog too. This can be done either by guest blogging, article marketing, commenting on the top dofollow blogs in your niche, Forum posting with your signature and writing quality content that provoke easy backlinks to your site.

Use your primary keyphrase in the title of your posts

If your primary keyword phrase is html based help make sure that the word html and help appear in your blog headers such as H1 and H2 tags as well as the title of each of your blog posts.

Don’t waste PageRank

It is practically impossible to understand how PageRank flows through a site without seeing proper information closely. Here is how pagerank Wastes:

  • Using Robots.txt to block pages
  • Using “noindex,nofollow” in the meta

HOPE these seo tips will help you do better in search engines and build better visibility for your site.

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Castors said...

I love your tips . Thanks for posting the blog.

Jeane M. said...

That was really gold mine article. SEO have been an indispensable one for social media marketing. Got a handful of tips and learning here. Now its time for applied learning. software development

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